#1: Live for a Mighty Cause (George Bernard Shaw)

The True Meaning of Life: To live for a mighty cause. To NOT be a sniveling little clod, crying that the world is not treating me right, spilling out my grievances, but to be a driving force of GOD, pursuing His plan for my life. Agreement is required to be a victim. Do not agree. Be a living force instead. (Paraphrased from George Bernard Shaw)

#2: “Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe”. (Galileo Galilei)

This is the language He has given to us so that we can understand His creation around us. He describes His creation precisely, quantitatively, and completely, so that we can all use it to our mutual benefit. He is a marvelous provider.

#3: Make America Great Again. (DJTrump)

Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather, what can you do for your country. (JFK)

We choose to do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. (JFK)

#4: Problem Solving: Work from the known towards the unknown.

Always start with what you know and go forward from there, identifying all elements and their relationships to each other, thus gaining a working understanding of the whole system. Always be willing to add to your system of understanding.

#5: If you want to thoroughly learn something, Teach it.

When you have to answer your student’s questions, this forces you to reach more deeply into your own understanding.

One who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach.

#6: Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful. (George E.P. Box)

No matter how perfect and complete you try to make a math model, there are always ways it can be made more perfect, more complete.

#7: If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. (Ralph Gifford, Enventive)

People tend to define and solve problems in terms of the specific tools they currently have in their “toolbox”

#8: Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. (Albert Einstein)